Digging Deeper: Water, not trees, remain the biggest challenge

The AFaktive Partner Inagro – a large institute for agriculture research in the Flanders – has launched the series “Digging Deeper”.

In this format, the colleagues report on the developments and results of Inagro’s own agroforestry plot – such as for example the ones within the framework of the AFaktive project.

In the latest edition, they describe the obstacles that past year’s weather seemed to place in the way for them and many farmers. The wet year led to numerous adjustments – such as for instance the cultivation of ryegrass as a contingency plan. At the same time, new insights could be gained, such as that the young walnut trees did not seem have an impact on intercropping.

Copyright picture: Inagro

Within the AFaktive project, they now plan to analyse the effect of the tree rows on the water balance.

The AFaktive partner Hydrotec, mapped the relief of Inagro´s agroforestry plot (framed in yellow) and those around it with a drone. The expert then simulated a heavy rainstorm and through modelling it is visible how the rainwater moves across these plots and where it accumulates: https://mapview.hydrotec.de/models/be-pr-in-1-pre-simulation-with-materials/

Copyright picture: Hydrotec

The eastern half of Inagro´s agroforestry plot gets a lot of runoff water to swallow. This is also the zone where Inagro observes problems in practice. After the execution of the earthworks, the project partners will repeat this exercise and therefore be able to visualise the impact. This also enables to estimate the impact of the trees on water management in the longer term.

Inagro´s Digging Deeper series: https://inagro.be/digging-deeper-water-not-trees-remain-biggest-challenge

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